Happy New Year!

2010 was a fantastic first year for the Horseshoe. We had a rockin' market and tons of awesome support. 2011 is set to be fantastic, too! Customer and vendor surveys indicated that you all wanted seasonal markets--so we've got three set so far! Mark your calendars for May 7th, August 6th and October 1st! We will have over 100 art, craft and vintage vendors at each market--and some awesome local food as well.

For all of you vendors out there--we will open up our applications on January 14th and have early bird pricing from then until February 14th. Don't miss out on the early bird pricing! We'll also have discounts for Denver Handmade Alliance members again. Our market is juried but we encourage both emerging and established artists, designers, crafters and vintage collectors to apply.

Also, look for our new and improved website on January 14th, too! 2011, here we come!